
Natural Disaster


The safest place to be during an earthquake is underneath a protective object near the building’s core.

Never try to exit a building during an earthquake.

In a significant earthquake, emergency responders may not be available for many hours, so the effectiveness of your response will rely on how well you have trained your staff. Having emergency supplies (including basic search and rescue tools) on hand can make a critical difference.


During a flood watch:

  • Review evacuation routes
  • Check that all emergency equipment is operating properly
  • Make sure all emergency supplies are on hand and available, including fuel for emergency generators.
  • Check operations of sewage and sump pumps.
  • Inspect the outside of the building, including the garage and roof levels and any cooling tower areas, for loose materials, cables, containers, etc.

Tornado or High Winds

Tornadoes can strike with little warning and cause catastrophic damage. Take tornado watches and warnings seriously:

  • Tornado Watch: Conditions are right for tornado formation
  • Tornado Warning: A tornado has been spotted or detected on radar

When safe to do so before a storm arrives, secure outside items and bring small items inside. Keep battery-powered or hand-crank radios in several easily accessible locations, and assemble a list of emergency radio stations.


Hurricanes afford time to prepare and relocate:

  • Hurricane Watch: Hurricane conditions (sustained winds of 74 mph or higher, heavy rain, and tidal flooding) could be experienced within 36 hours
  • Hurricane Warning: Hurricane conditions are possible within 24 hours

Post-storm flooding can be more damaging than the high winds, and utility outages can last for weeks. Designate alternate locations for business continuity should the building become temporarily inaccessible. Move documents and equipment to a safe location.

Secure outside items and bring small items inside. Keep battery-powered or hand- crank radios in several easily accessible locations, and assemble a list of emergency radio stations.

Hurricane Season Preparedness Packet

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